The Question
“In order to obtain improved facilities do you agree that Poynton Sports Club should relocate to a purpose-built site located on land north of Glastonbury Drive?”
It is approved by the PSC Executive Committee (11.11.2024) that the following process will be used in order to determine our future as to whether we remain at our present site or re-locate to a purpose-built site located on land north of Glastonbury Drive.
- All five sections of PSC will participate in the ballot namely, Bowls, Cricket, Football, Lacrosse and Tennis.
- Only Life Members, Playing members and Patrons over the age of 18 years, on the commencement of the ballot (10.12.2024), will be eligible to cast their vote. All voters must be fully paid up members of their respective sections.
- The ballot will open at 0800 hrs on 10.12.2024 and will close at 2200hrs on 17/12/2024.
- Members registered with two or more section can only cast their vote once. This will be via the section which collects and pays their main club subscription to PSC.
- Club Life Members can only vote once to the section to which they have greatest affinity.
- A simple majority of the votes cast will decide the outcome of the ballot. The Chairperson of each section will not take part in the vote and will use his/her casting vote to determine the outcome should the ballot prove to be a tie.
- Manual votes are permissible providing they are lodged with the Chairperson / Secretary of the section prior to the closing day of the ballot and placed in the vote system by the General Secretary. Manual votes may be cast up to 7 days prior to the opening of the vote. Manual votes to be available only to those members with no e mail address, no e mail facilities or those who use a shared family e mail address with another member.
- The result of the ballot by each section will give a mandate to each Section Chairperson, or his/her representative, as to how to cast their vote at a Special General Meeting of club members which will be convened shortly after the ballot.
- You vote will be recorded against your name and email address and votes will be checked to ensure only eligible members of Poynton Sports Club are counted in the vote. As with a ‘show of hands’ the identity of voters and how they vote will be known and recorded for Poynton Sports Club use only.
The Process
The process with comprise of two tiers of voting. Tier 1 will be a vote by the main sections of the club. The following process will be used along with the conditions.
Tier 1.
- All sections must issue a list of all their Life Members, Playing members and Patrons over the age of 18 years together with their e mail addresses to the General Secretary, 7 days before the ballot date, these will be verified by the club Membership Secretary. The sections will be notified of the correctness of this list. Once approved the list cannot be changed within 3 days of the opening date of the ballot.
- Once the Ballot opens each qualifying section member will receive an e mail with a link to the voting page. (10.12.2024 @ 0800 hrs)
- Votes will be cast by members and the ballot will close (17.12.2024 @ 2200hrs)
- Poynton Sports Club will provide the following data to each section chairperson following the closure of the vote.
Name of Section
Number of votes cast.
Number of Yes votes.
Number of No votes.
% of votes made
- An electronic file of all the ballot results will be sent to the General Secretary following the closing of the ballot, for verification and for historical record purposes.
Tier 2
A Special General Meeting will be convened for a date following the closure of the ballot where the section Chairpersons will declare the results of the section votes.
At that meeting each Section Chairperson, or his/her delegated representative, will each cast one vote in strict accordance with their sections ballot result.
A simple majority will decide the outcome of the vote and will be an instruction from the membership to the Officers of the Club and the Trustees to act accordingly.
Approved by the Executive of Poynton Sports Club on 11th November 2024
Confirmed by G.H. Smith. General Secretary
M. Warburton. Chairman
Date 11.11.2024
Ref: THE VOTE PROCESS issue 4 (30/11/2024)